
more-sass is the library of useful SCSS mixins and functions.


yarn add more-sass
npm install more-sass


You can import the entire library or only the necessary part of it - variables, mixins, functions, or only a specific group of functions:

// Import the entire library
@use 'more-sass' as more;

// Import variables
@use 'more-sass/variables' as more-variables;

// Import mixins
@use 'more-sass/mixins' as more-mixins;

// Import functions
@use 'more-sass/functions' as more-functions;

// Import a specific group of functions
@use 'more-sass/functions/string' as more-string;

// Import a specific function in global namespace
@use 'more-sass/functions/string/str-split' as *;
More Sass needs the primary implementation of Sass (Dart Sass).
Edit this page on GitHub Updated at Mon, Jan 30, 2023